style. wellness. fashion. decor. gourmet.
Forget everything you know about Birthdays. Birthday's aren't all about you or honoring your mom for spending way too many hours at the hospital to give you life. It's a rare moment in life where you can ask a bar to give you a birthday cocktail named after you (true story). Here are some other ways to kick it up this year...
Location is half the battle for birthdays, but the best decision is to always go local. Settle on a central location, so its the same trek for everyone. Whether it's a cool new bar in the neighborhood or the weekly watering hole (Image:
Lastly, bring on da' birthday suit. 
Pick a look that is going to make you look hot and be comfortable all night, party your ass off, and not care about waking up in possibly the next day. If it hits all of those points...#winning 
(Image: and Jessica Simpson Black Briangle heel)
11/3/2014 06:27:48 am



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